on Priority Pass and Private Profiles
Video A bit of the same story, I wanted a shorter post but I've decided to include some elements from other historic issues I've seen within the OW community to provide some context and irony/hypocrisy. I'm looking to outline the new priority pass system and my thoughts on that but more importantly I'm going to tie in how the community is reacting, how this relates to private profiles, and how assbackwards this is from a couple years ago. Final Edit: While I consider this blog done I'm not happy with its results but it's still a good discussion. The video will go over it in better detail. Let's start off with something objective. Priority Pass is a system that allows players to queue up competitively in a new flex queue. This queue will put you into the role that's needed most. If you queue up this way you'll get 2 passes on a loss and 6 passes on a win. You can save up to 40 of these passes and can spend one at a time to by-pass the long time...