on Overwatch's mobility problem
Video I want to open this up by giving credit to Blizzard. When Jeff mentioned balance a while back he said he thought Overwatch was in a good spot everyone thought he was crazy, but it's the truth. There's a single fact that constantly reminds me of this, with enough skill you can get to top 500 with any hero, at times top 100. Some heroes are easier to climb with (this isn't a shot at low skill floors, it's a shot at meta) but that doesn't change the fact that it's still possible. The way I think of it is that after a 7 year development cycle the only issue is that a heroes numbers of off by 10%, that's pretty damn good. At the top 1% of games you can still run most heroes. The community needs to face it, Blizzard hit their scope and now its about fine tuning. Overall we complain too much in this community, some of it is constructive but that's rare. In either case it does give feedback to the developers on how the...