Part 1 - Fixing the Overwatch Jenga tower of balance - Armor
With this being part 1 of some changes i'd like to see i'd like to address the problem i see in Overwatch. With a new balance patch on the horizon a lot of people are hoping for goats to be removed. The problem i have is that goats isn't the issue, its that players are forced to play with only one strategy. To be the bearer of bad news - goats is a legitimate strategy and should be an option. We need to strive for multiple viable strategies on each map, not completely remove those that we don't like. If goats goes away then double sniper becomes the dominate comp, if we take that away then dive comes back. This trend will take you back through the strong comps and leave you with the same issues. A boring repetitive play style or being forced to play what is deemed "correct". The most popular idea I've heard so far is that a ban system would fix this. While at first glance it looks like a good answer since you can ban a strategy out, it actually ...